Unit 10  Little Penguins (vocabulary)
Class:                      Name:                      No.
Part A 40%(每格2分)
1.長凳    2.企鵝    3.觀光客    4.總共    5.公分
6.公斤    7.公里    8.海豚    9.尖尖的    10.巢,窩
11.嫩枝    12.孵蛋h    13.舉止(v.)    14.舉止(n.)    15.模仿(v.)
16.模仿(n.)    17.驚嘆    18.浪漫的    19.關係(n.)    20.男朋友
Part B句型與翻譯66%(每格3分)
In summer, the sun            at about 8 p.m. here, so you can            your            walking around the town.
2.突然地             ﹦                                           .
My uncle always                       to see us whenever he is in town.
4. 她看起來好瘦,你覺得她有多重?She looks so thin? How much do you think she           ?
5.在夏天,人們喜歡坐在外面和朋友聊天。           the           , people enjoy sitting outside,            with friends.
The            person was                            food in the street.
7.搜索隊 a                         .
8.那兩個女孩和他們的媽媽一樣迷人The two girls are as            as their mom.
9.物以類聚 Birds of a            flock together.
10.佛要金裝,人要衣裝 Fine               make fine birds.
11.Paris是一個迷人的地方Paris is a                  place.


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