關係代名詞: who , which , that
The woman who helped me last night is my classmate.
woman                詞   ,    who                       詞
1.    He is the man. He painted my house.

2.    What is the name of the boy? He called the police last night.

3.    The man answered the phone. He told me you were away.

4.    Ben works for a company. The company makes washing machines.

5.    The book is about a girl. The girl runs away from home.

6.    What was the name of the dog? The dog won the game.

7.    I don’t like people. These people are never on time.

8.    The car has now been found. It was stolen.

9.    The lock has now been repaired. It was broken.

10.    A building was destroyed in the fire. It has now been rebuilt.

Note: 在關係代名詞中,我們經常使用that來代替which.
先行詞    主格    所有格    受格
人    who    whose    who(m)
人以外(物)    which    whose    which
人+物    that              .    that
Note: 受格中,口語經常使用 “who” 來替代“whom”,但書寫方式裡“whom”屬於正統英文!
I’ve got a friend. His brother is an actor.
==>I’ve got a friend whose brother is an actor.
She is the woman. Her husband teaches at St. Marks.
==>She is the woman whose husband teaches at St. Marks.
1.    Who are Mr. and Mrs. Green?( their children win the scholarship.)

2.    Who is that girl?( her brother works in the post office.)

3.    I met a man. (his wife is a famous writer.)

4.    An orphan is a child.( his parents are dead.)

5.    This school is only for children.(their first language is English.)

The woman was away on holiday. I wanted to see the woman.
==> The woman whom I wanted to see was away on holiday.
 He fell in love with the woman. The women left him after a few weeks.
==> The woman whom he fell in love with left him after a few weeks.
==>The woman with whom he fell in love left him after a few weeks.
==> The woman he fell in love with left him after a few weeks.
Note: 關係代名詞主詞不可省,受詞可省略
1.    I don’t know the name of the woman. I spoke to the woman on the phone.

2.    That is the town.  He was born in the town.

3.    The people were very kind. I stayed with these people.
My sister Jane, who is a beautiful lady, works for this company.
Candy told me about her new job, which she is enjoying very much.
已有設定目標Candy’s new job
1.    We stayed at Park View Hotel.(Peter recommended it to us)

2.    John is one of my closest friends.(I have known him for a long time.)

3.    London is the most beautiful city in the world.( My brother lives there.)

4.    We often visit our grandparents in Taipei.( It is only 45 kilometers away.)

I know the girl who is standing over there.
1.The book on the table is mine.
2.The money on the floor is yours.
3.The girl standing over there is my younger sister.
4.The boy singing at the post office is my student.
5.The restaurant burned in the big fire was famous for its food.
6.The thief caught by the police officer is a bad guy.


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